July 18, 2024

Join AFJ In Celebrating Our High School Graduates!

AFJ Graduates with their proud Senior Court Advocate, Nelson Valentine, and AFJ Co-Founder and President, Angel Rodriguez.

Here at Avenues for Justice (AFJ), we are committed to providing young people with the necessary tools to prepare them for success. Several of our Participants come through our doors needing to reenroll in school and our Court Advocates are right there to help them navigate the process. Court Advocates meet with school administrators and educators to set academic standards for regular attendance and performance. AFJ collaborates with guidance counselors to assist our Participants with reacclimating to school. Subsequently, if issues arise impacting the Participant at their current school, AFJ explores transfer opportunities to alternative schools.

AFJ maintains a bank of 65 volunteers, including tutors, who offer academic assistance online and onsite at our two community centers. For Par­ticipants who elect not to or cannot return to high school, AFJ matches them with tutors who help prepare them for the High School Equivalency (HSE) program so that they can earn diplomas. AFJ also assists Participants with college prep including SAT testing, college visits, admissions, and financial aid applications.

AFJ is extremely proud of our thirteen 2024 high school graduates! Court Advocates have already started working with them on the next steps to higher education and employment. We are also celebrating three Participants who are enrolled in college, two Participants who have entered trade school, two Participants who started the HSE program and three Participants who have re-enrolled in high school.

(Left) AFJ Participant Curzavis with his culinary school certification. (Right) AFJ Participant Makhai shows off his high school diploma which he earned at the end of June!

“I’m super proud of Timothy! He really buckled down and got focused on his goal of graduating. He has come a long way since he first entered our program. I wish him continued success in college!” ~Brian, AFJ Manager of Court Advocacy

“Culinary school was fun. I learned a lot about cooking. Being a part of the program also taught me about mental health. It was a wonderful experience to see that there are people who will care for other people in society. Serving food to guests and speaking properly was another thing we learned. It taught skills in the kitchen and real-life skills to take into the world to become a better Me. I found my passion during this program because it felt as if I was a part of something great.” ~Curzavis, AFJ Culinary School Graduate

“With my Participant Aaron there was a lot of back and forth with his mother and counselor regarding completion. But he finally completed all the requirements in order to graduate. He was recently accepted into Bronx Community College where he will attend this fall. Additionally, Aaron was accepted into Drive Change's Culinary Fellowship, which is very competitive! I am so happy for him as it can give him a viable career path.

My other graduating Participant exhibited significant perseverance. She wants to go to college next year and become a Dental Hygienist. She also took part in our internship program with Sankofa Haus, where she performed exceptionally well! The owner of Sankofa Haus asked AFJ to extend her internship placement with them until the end of July. She is a bright, kind, and capable young woman. I look forward to seeing her succeed!” ~Julia, Harlem Court Advocate

"I was really committed to graduating. It is something I always wanted to do. You never know when you might need your diploma down the line. I felt very accomplished, I had to do 13 years of school. My Court Advocate Julia was helping me a lot with future preparation and really helped me cross that stage.

Since graduating, Drive Change has been really good. I am getting paid well and I am learning a lot like how to cook and clean and being very disciplined." Aaron, AFJ High School Graduate

We invite you to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates by simply replying to this newsletter with words of encouragement. We will share your messages with our Participants!


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